As part of our promotional platform here at LoewenHerz-Creative™, every month we will feature one of the many wonderful authors we have met since we started offering our services. We are very grateful to all those who have put their trust in us and given us the opportunity to work with them in creating fantastic Book Trailers.
THE ROAD TO KALBAKAR - by Paul. E. Horsman
Seventeen-year-old Eskandar is the lowest of the low among the crew of the Navy sloop Tipred. As the ship’s boy he runs messages, does the dirtiest jobs and tries to stay out of his betters’ way. It is a dull but safe life, for the tired old Tipred patrols a shipping lane to nowhere and nothing ever happens to disturb their peace.
None aboard know Eskandar’s big secret. For the boy is not alone. In his head he has the voice of Teodar, who has guided and guarded him all his life, and who is teaching him magic. Teodar is a mystery; he won’t say who he is or why he is helping him. Eskandar has stopped asking; the voice is his only friend, and that is all that matters to him.
Life goes on placidly – until the sea monsters appear. To save himself and his ship, Eskandar has to use his secret magic and manages to defeat the monsters.
Now his enemies know him and his humdrum life becomes a maelstrom of action, fighting monsters, desert robbers and even more fearful enemies.
Will Eskandar’s barely tested powers be enough against an undead necromancer who wants him dead? And what about those mighty wyrms in the sky, are they friend or foe?

Paul E. Horsman was born in Bussum, The Netherlands, in the year 1952.
SF and Fantasy have fascinated Paul since his high school days. He read everything he could lay his hands on.
It was 2007, when he took the first wobbly steps in what is now the fantasy Kingdom of Rhidauna. A spark began to grow and mid-2010, he had the first two parts of The Shadow of the Revenaunt written.
His second series, The Shardheld Saga, is a gripping Vikingesque adventure in the snowy wastes of the Norden. As a reviewer so beautifully wrote: "This story is jam packed with verbal and visual treasures."
To learn more, visit Paul at http://www.paulhorsman-author.com.