{Due to high demand and a long waiting list, we no longer accept new clients.
Thank you so much for your support! We wish you all the best!
~ Your LoewenHerz-Creative Team}

Please note that we work with fiction authors only.
Below is the information we need to make your very own professional Book Trailer. Please use these questions listed below as a guide to providing us with as much information as possible. Email us the requested information, as well as all supporting images and files, using our contact email info [!at] LoewenHerz-Creative [dot] com.
Once we receive your email, you will be contacted by us to confirm your request and to further discuss and schedule the making of your trailer.
For your convenience, we have created these downloadable forms you can use to answer the questions from below.
* required fields
- Author’s Name*
- Authors’ Website
- Author’s Email*
- Book Title*
- Book Genre*
- Target Audience*
Please click on the individual packages above and read the descriptions carefully to see what is included and covered.
- If your package includes narration, please specify if you prefer a male or female narrator*
- Provide suggestions for your narration, if included in your package (Max. of 80 Words Total)
- Desired Trailer Mood (e.g.: Dark, Uplifting, Inspiring, etc.)
- Desired Mood of Background Music (e.g.: Dark, Mystical, Eerie, etc.) – If you want to use your own music, please send it to us via email. You must have permission from the copyright holder to use all music, or supply purchased royalty-free music.
- Description/ Synopsis of Book*
- Suggested Text Bursts or Script (Max. of 9 Short Bursts Total)
- Key Elements You Would Like to See in the Trailer*
- Do you have images you would like to include in the video? – If yes, please send them to us via email. You must have permission from the copyright holder for all photos, or supply royalty free photos that you have purchased.
- FOR CHILDREN’S BOOKS: Would you like your picture book’s characters animated? – If yes, please send us the image files of all artwork via email or DropBox.
- Other Information You Would Like to Provide
- Where did you hear about LoewenHerz-Creative?*
- I understand that LHC requires a 30% non-refundable deposit before the making of my trailer. This will become due once we have agreed upon working together and have thoroughly discussed my expectations and visions for my book’s trailer. The deposit must be made in order to secure and hold my scheduled time slot.*
Please send your answers to these questions, as well as all supporting images and files, using our contact email info [at] LoewenHerz-Creative [dot] com.
***Please note that we operate and respond during normal business days and hours only.***
We are looking forward to working with you.
~ Your LoewenHerz-Creative Team
All payments are via PayPal. Select your payment below and enter the amount once you are being redirected to PayPal.